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2024-12-14 12:35:42

12/12, from last Friday to today, the predicted success rate was 100%, and today I got a word board.

12/12, from last Friday to today, the predicted success rate was 100%, and today I got a word board.

12/12, from last Friday to today, the predicted success rate was 100%, and today I got a word board.Last Friday, so far, I have got the script right continuously. The script was written by people, and it was only human nature that was used. Yesterday, reaching China was not my in-mode transaction. But it was the late ticket I selected, and the power bargain-hunting and jiacang did not move. Securities to see if there is any news at noon. You can drop it. If Lapp goes up today, those that don't go up today will make up for it tomorrow, and those that go up will go up and fall back tomorrow. I chose yesterday but didn't buy it, which is really worse than losing money. No one understands this feeling. Choose 1 from 5. It's okay to choose one, but I also rushed out at one point in the morning. Hey, don't say 1 out of 5. Choosing 1 from 2 is often wrong. This is the only thing I want to break through. Today's a50, securities, and market are all expected scripts. Only the electricity didn't move. That can only be seen whether it can make up for the increase tomorrow, or pull it up in the afternoon. The weekly line is 3, and the average stock price will hit a new high immediately, and it is also facing adjustment. If there is no good blessing, the probability of adjustment is particularly large! Then it's time to lighten up the position again, and we can't do it against the technology. Reverse technology equals subjectivity, and subjectivity equals losing.Last Friday, so far, I have got the script right continuously. The script was written by people, and it was only human nature that was used. Yesterday, reaching China was not my in-mode transaction. But it was the late ticket I selected, and the power bargain-hunting and jiacang did not move. Securities to see if there is any news at noon. You can drop it. If Lapp goes up today, those that don't go up today will make up for it tomorrow, and those that go up will go up and fall back tomorrow. I chose yesterday but didn't buy it, which is really worse than losing money. No one understands this feeling. Choose 1 from 5. It's okay to choose one, but I also rushed out at one point in the morning. Hey, don't say 1 out of 5. Choosing 1 from 2 is often wrong. This is the only thing I want to break through. Today's a50, securities, and market are all expected scripts. Only the electricity didn't move. That can only be seen whether it can make up for the increase tomorrow, or pull it up in the afternoon. The weekly line is 3, and the average stock price will hit a new high immediately, and it is also facing adjustment. If there is no good blessing, the probability of adjustment is particularly large! Then it's time to lighten up the position again, and we can't do it against the technology. Reverse technology equals subjectivity, and subjectivity equals losing.

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